Links to Environment Agency Flood Warning Procedures
Bedford Group of IDBs
Internal Drainage Boards are responsible for providing a water-level management service within their drainage districts.
During times of heavy rainfall and high river levels the Boards:
- Liaise with the Environment Agency, Emergency Services and Lead Local Flood Authorities over developing flood conditions.
- Check the sensitive locations within the district and remove any restrictions during flood flow periods, where safe to do so.
- Take necessary actions, where possible, to reduce risk of flooding to property, vital public services and land.
- Liaise with the Environment Agency on the situation, advising them of any problems which may develop on its main river system
- Advise Local Authorities of the likelihood of any property flooding
- Advise where necessary any landowning interest of the likelihood of flooding
- Assist where possible in any post-flood remedial and clearance works
Our priorities in an emergency are as follows:
1. Where people’s lives are at risk
Problems arising from the Board’s System
2. Where the provision of vital public services are at risk
3. Where residential property is at risk
4. Where commercial property is at risk
5. Where agricultural land and environmental assets are at risk
Problems arising from third party systems (rechargeable)
6. Where the provision of vital public services are at risk
7. Where residential property is at risk
8. Where commercial property is at risk
9, Where agricultural land and environmental assets are at risk
Emergency Contacts
In an emergency where floodwater is entering your property call 999
For emergency advice on flooding contact the Environmental Agency or Floodline on 0345 988 1188
To report an activity which could lead to flooding, contact our Duty Officer on 07764 239 891