The Bedford Group of Drainage Boards
The Bedford Group of Drainage Boards comprises three Internal Drainage Boards which are situated in the upper reaches of the Great Ouse river catchment.
Latest news from the Bedford Group of Drainage Boards

Bedfordshire & River Ivel Notice of Drainage Rates and Special Levies 2025/26
05 February 2025
Accountant Vacancy
03 February 2025
Buckingham & River Ouzel Notice of Drainage Rates and Special Levies 2025/26
22 January 2025
To report an activity which could lead to flooding
Contact our Duty Officer on
07764 239 891
07764 239 891
In an emergency where floodwater is entering your property call 999
For emergency advice on flooding contact the Environment Agency or Floodline on 0345 988 1188
Please note we don’t deal with blocked toilets, drains, etc.
For non-emergency enquiries please contact
01234 767995 during normal office hours
Mon-Thurs 8.45-4.30, Fri 8.45-4.15
Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with latest works
The Bedford Group of Drainage Boards
The Bedford Group of Drainage Boards is a consortium of statutory bodies providing local storm water management. This is done by undertaking watercourse maintenance and improvement, adoption, and maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs). The group also provides advice and direction to local authorities and developers, as part of the Town and Country planning procedure.
The Consortium comprises: The Bedfordshire and River Ivel Internal Drainage Board; The Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board; The Alconbury and Ellington Internal Drainage Board.