Environment Agency: Your Watercourse: Rights and Roles – New guide for main river riparian landowners
If you own or occupy land or property next to or containing a watercourse/main river in England, the Environment Agency has released a new publication that is essential for you: Your Watercourse: Rights and Roles. This guide aims to clarify the responsibilities and rights of riparian landowners and provide valuable information on maintaining and managing watercourses sustainably.
Who is this guide for?
This guide is specifically designed for those who are termed “riparian landowners.” If a watercourse runs adjacent to or through your land, you fall into this category. It is important to note that rivers in England are classified as either a ‘main river’ or an ‘ordinary watercourse.’ You can find out if you own land next to a main river by visiting the Environment Agency’s Asset Management website.
What does the guide cover?
The guide provides a comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of riparian landowners. Here’s a summary of what you can expect:
- Clarification of Roles and Responsibilities:
– The guide explains the shared responsibilities between riparian landowners and various organisations such as the Environment Agency, lead local flood authorities, councils, water companies, and internal drainage boards.
- Sustainable Maintenance of Watercourses:
– It offers useful guidance on how to maintain your watercourse in a sustainable manner. This includes considerations for protecting the natural environment and ensuring the health of the watercourse.
- Permitting of Works:
– The guide summarises the permitting process for any works you might want to undertake on your watercourse and provides directions on where to find further information and support.
- Collaborative Efforts to Reduce Flood Risk:
– It highlights how you can work with other stakeholders to reduce flood risk and protect and enhance the natural environment of our rivers and streams.
For a quick summary of the guidance, you can visit the GOV.UK website.
Why is this guide important?
Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a riparian landowner is crucial. Proper management of watercourses not only helps in reducing flood risks but also plays a vital role in protecting and enhancing the natural environment. By following the guidelines provided by the Environment Agency, landowners can ensure that they are compliant with legal requirements and contribute positively to the health of England’s rivers and streams.
This guide is an invaluable resource for anyone owning or occupying land next to a watercourse/main river. By utilising the information provided, you can make informed decisions about the management and maintenance of your watercourse, ultimately benefiting both your property and the wider environment.
For detailed information and to access the full guide, please visit the Environment Agency’s Asset Management website.
Stay informed and proactive in managing your watercourse by taking advantage of this comprehensive guide. Together, we can work towards a sustainable and resilient water environment.